Wednesday, 13 December 2006

If You Are Sceptical Read This:

Now you're probably thinking this is too good to be true, BUT before you hit the back button think about it. These offers are genuine and they work because each time the website refers someone to one fo the offers, they get paid money for example £20 per signup. Since you have to refer 10 people to get your free Wii. That means 11 referred offers in total. So the website would be picking up:

11 x £20 = £220 for every Wii they give away, which means a total profit of £40 (taking into account the cost of the Wii - £180), which doesn't seem like much, but take into consideration all of the users who signup for an offer, and then don't manage to get 10 referals or simply forget that they signed up. This means alot of profit for the website, which means they can afford to give away the consoles.

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